
Origin of name Riedl

The origin is seen by The Historical Research centre – Europe like this.Maybe when we will be successful in contacting some of the members with the titel Riedl von Riedelstein we will find out something else.But for now we know only this.....

The history of the name Riedl according to HRC

There are two possible answers for origin of german name Riedl.First,its a custom to take the name from the father's one.In this case is the name Riedl connected to the name Rudilo,home form of the german name Rudolf and shortcut of the meaning Rudolf's son.Rudolf on its own is derived from old german name Hrodulf,which means ,,glory and wolf“

Alternative is that it can be a local custom of that age,derived the names from the place where people lived.Here we would talk about the town Riedel and then it would mean from Riedel.The town Riedel is located in south of Greman,in the part of Bavor.The variation to this surname is Riedle.Both of the sunames are not restricted only for German but we can find them even in Austria and Switzerland.As a first example of this surname was in German Hans Riedlin, which is in the written record in Kepten in 1426 and one Gabriel de Ridler,who was living in Munich in 1380.Until the early Middle Age surnames were not used for people with the same own name.With the growing documentation in later Middle Age these surnames had become needful and people whose names were describing their job,place of living,father's name or other person's characteristic,were leaving their names to their children so surnames has become heritable.

Although today's holders of the name Riedl doesn't have to agree,even if this time in german history was signed by inner hassles and rivalry between popes there were some times with peace and economic and cultural growth.Business were getting better and better, towns were extending in area and power,too.There were a lot of Roman cathedrals built up.

On the beginning of 13th century Middle Age court epic poetry and Minnesang(lyrics poetry about court love) were growing.It was poetry so well known to Middle age holdres of the name Riedl.

In the architecture this age was the start of Romanesque and the biggest success of this age was descovery of vault.It provided for bricked cellings which were accessible to light and resistant to fire.Fire was the main reason for destroying pre-roman buildings with flat roof and wooden beams.This final descovery afforted the opportunity to built cathedrals Worms and Mainz.They can be wondered by holders of the name Riedl till now.Rich heritage,which german ancessotrs entailed to us, should be handed over to the next generations.

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