The oldest records in Šumvald`s registry offices.
I offer you here some of the records from church registry offices in Šumvald from 17th century. It is the oldest well-preserved record about the Riedl surname in Šmuvald area in 1657.
30th june, 1657 was christen in Sumvald Thomas, the son of Ondrej Riedl from Ceská Libava” (now Libina) It is a record of Ondrej Riedl`s line, which we couln`t connect with our line of Martin Riedl, becouse of mising documentation before the year 1600.
Following records are about marriage, death and christening, which refer to Martin Riedl family, since 1666.
The oldest record about surname Riedl, from Martin Riedl`s family
line “7.února roku 1666 sezdán Blažej, mládenec, po nebohém Janu
Krejčím ze Střelic pozůstalý syn s Marynou, dcerou po nebohém Martinu Ryedlu,
někdy sousedu zdejším pozůstalou dcerou, v přítomnosti Ondry Kubátka a Lukáše
………Record about marriage of Maryna (Martin Riedl`s doughter) and Blažej Krejčí 7.februar. 1666
The death of
Vávra Riedl, on February 1678, in Hradec (now Nová
21.septembra Letha panie 1681 byl sezdán Jiřyk po nebohém Wawru Riedlu pozůstalý syn z Hradce,
s Marynu Georga Mataly vlastní dcerou z Šumvaldu Svědkové: Vávra Tkadlec a Jan Bruzym"
21. september 1681 - the marriage of Jiří Riedl (the son of Wawra Riedl) and Maryna Matalová.
7.Marti 1692 se v Šenvaldě narodil Georg, rodičové Georg Ridel a Marina. Kmotři - Jan Krasten a Dorota,
vdova Henricha Broogtl. Křtil - Václav Ferdinand Pelikan"
7. march 1692 - Christening of Jiřík Riedl (Georg II) the son of Jiřík Riedl (Georg I)